5 questions will shape economic outcomes
It is possible to draw conclusions from these outcomes and define three distinct phases: flatten, fight, and future
Many leaders are asking the same questions:
How should I forecast my revenues?
How should I adjust my budget?
When will this be over, and when will we return to “normal”?
Distinct phases
First, there is the “Flatten” phase, in which countries or cities lock down to flatten the virus’s exponential growth curve. Second comes the “Fight” phase, during which a geography “Restarts” its economy while maintaining a low rate of infection, while still running the risk of having to implement further lockdowns. Finally, we are anticipating a “Future” phase, which begins only after a vaccine or highly effective treatment has been developed and deployed
Each potential scenario will be characterized by five outcome measures
How long is the Flatten phase?
How deep does the Flatten phase go?
How long is the Fight phase?
How deep does the Fight phase go?
What level will the economy achieve during the Future phase?
“Interesting article about what we can learn from crises like the Corona Crisis to restart and restore”
The impact of a pandemic on the economy
To understand what the future might hold and how we can shape those outcomes, we need scenarios to bound the uncertainty and help us understand the underlying drivers of outcomes. While COVID-19 trajectories vary widely, it is possible to draw conclusions from these outcomes and define three distinct phases: flatten, fight, and future.